Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Rock Houses Rock!


WOW, nearly the end of year already! YAY! Recently Mrs S has started having some of our fellow students make up the homework. Last week Amber and Fearn said we had to make a house for a rock pet?!? So of course we made some... We had prizes for most original--Winners: Imogen and Josh!
                                              Imogen and her awesome hard rock hotel!

                                            ( No photo of Joshes creation cause he ate it!
Thats right Josh made an awesome house, EVERYTHING was edible
except the tray it was on of course!

                                     We also had prizes for most detailed: Amber and Kyle!

                                                           Amber's incredible effort!

                                                        And Kyle's colorful house!

              The final prizes were for most realistic and those went to.......… Charlie and Cheyenne!

                                            Wow, Chaz! Believe me that thing is heavy!

                                           Cheyenne's crazy house! I love the tongue chair!

                                           We also have a memorable notice: LUCY JONES !!!!

                                                             Lucy's limo! Lucky rock...

        Well, as you can see the houses were great! Comment on what one was your favorite!

          By: FRANK! ( :
                                                                 ROOM 7 RULEZ!

Friday, November 9, 2012

Hanmer Springs

Hanmer Springs:

An icy cold chill hung in the air,
this was our first time to relax it didn't seem fair.

The water in the pools so warm and nice,
even though we were nearly surrounded in ice.

Snow just meters away,
making its own little white bay.

That day was the best,
and I would say it topped the rest.

By Fearn.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

My favorite time at camp

My favorite time at camp was when we went to Bridge Valley.
My favorite activity was rock climbing. I had never been rock
climbing before and had no idea what to do but it was pretty
simple. I got to the top of the easy one but not the middle one because
my legs where not long enough. Which was a bit hard.
I liked that when you
got to the top you could see everything.

By Jade

Yr 6 Room 7 Camp 2012

Yr 6 Room 7 Camp 2012!!!

My favourite 2 activities that happened on our school camp were The Mega Slide and Bowling. They were my favourite things because I had never done these two activities before.

The mega slide is a set of 6 quite high slides, you hop in a sack and go down like a normal slide. Slide 1 is the slowest and slide 6 is the fastest but at the end it all changed and slide 4 was the fastest.

Bowling was fun also. I got a total score of 78.We had no gutter guards. I was 1 point behind Luca. I think that was pretty good for my first time bowling!!!!

By Megan T

Year 6 Camp 2012

Year 6 Camp 2012
By Jessica Tibbs

On the Tuesday in late September  came a sun drenched sky, hazy mid-spring day.  Bridge Valley was our occupation for the day, including activities such as rock climbing, a confidence course, archery, crazy bikes and go-carting.

Personally, my favourite activity of the day was rock climbing.  The fact of being able to see for miles created a sense of, well, amazing.  But then reality struck when you fell down the wall due to failure of being able to suspend yourself for more than a few minutes!  

Another bonus was Archery.  I'd already done it before but for some reason it was just better at Bridge Valley.  Whether it was the bow or the range, it was really cool! Here are some photos:

Luca's Bullseye

Dan getting psyched up

The next night we went to the Speights Alehouse.  It was hilarious seeing Luca in skinny jeans!  For a boy who basically has skin made of stubbies, the change was quite, drastic!!!

I can't wait to go on school camp with the people I've grown up with again later in life.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Careers 2012

The chef Josiah
Michael in police gear
We have been studying careers in class.
We each chose a career that we would like to have when we grow up. We researched it and made a job application as if we were applying for the job. We also made an advertisement for that job that included the skills we would need for that job.

Megan in riot gear
We got guest speakers to come in and tell us about their career. We had a chef, two pilots, a police officer, a navy officer and an arm defender officer. Thank you to the people who came in.

As a homework assignment, we made a C.V.(Curriculum Vitae) about ourselves. Our teacher gave us an example of one on our homework sheets and we had to make our own one.

Mr. Tibbs speaks about his job as a pilot

James in handcuffs

Mr. Rae speaks about his job as a pilot

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Ummmmmm.....Bob here!

Hi Room 7,Bob here.
Just checking up if you are all on track with your contract.
If not and you're stuck go see your Teach and all will be swell.

Okay dudes talk soon.....over and out!

Monday, April 23, 2012


During our brain topic we created different pieces of art.
We took profile photos of the Room 7 students and glued them on A3 pieces of paper. 
The sensory areas of the brain are smell, hear,see and taste.
We used our sensory images in our brains to help us find pictures from magazines that related to smelling,seeing,hearing and tasting.
We cut the pictures out and then did a collage for a wall display.

Jessica and Lucy J


We started with a photo of ourself and cut just our face out so you could see and use the outside line of our face, which is called a silhouette.  Then we drew our favourite things that we see, smell, hear and taste on a piece of backing card. We added glitter for neurons.
We hung it on our wall for everyone to see.  This is what they look like.

Jessica and Lucy J


Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Toku Mahi Nga Frankie

My Strengths

Note that I have written 1 paragraph per strength.

My first strength is art. I discovered my skill when I was a three years old. I drew countless little square headed men, who all bared a resemblance to count Dracula. This skill will help me in future because I would like to create characters when realising my dream of becoming a video game designer.

Strength mark two is reading. When I was five years old I was terrible at reading, but when my mum home schooled me I slowly became really good. Learning to read was an extremely useful skill at such an early age. I would fly through reading exercises,at quite a fast pace for a five year old.
This skill is so important that there is hardly a point to explain why it will be useful later in life.

My third skill is understanding animals.
I have almost always loved animals .By almost I mean as long as I understood what an animal was.
My first animal encounter was when we lived in England. I used to annoy our pet dog Rosy. Then there was the Jack Russell we had when I was about 7. Then the evil Merlin who ate my entire jumper. After that my current but also best Dog Ever!
This skill will help me when I'm old because I hope to foster abandoned animals.

My fourth skill is story telling.
I found this skill when I was in Room five. We had to draw a card and relate the story.
This skill will also help me when I design video games.

My fifth skill is bike riding.
I learned I could ride a bike well when I was six I freaked out when I was told to try riding with out training wheels to help.But turned out I have great coordination on a bike.
This strength will help me keep active and kill time ,that is when I'm allowed further than my drive way.

By Frankie

Monday, March 12, 2012

Toku Mahi Nga Jayden

Hi my name is Jayden.
I have one sister.  I live with my Mum and Dad. I have one dog named Xena.
My Grandad on my mum's side owns an orchard.
I often work on my Grandad's orchard. 
I am going to Nelson College for Boys when I finish primary school.

My Strengths

I am good at Art because I am careful and I like drawing and using different colours.
I can use this strength in the future because when I have finished work for the day as an orchardist I will need a hobby and that could be art.
Playing rugby is definitely my strength because I am an excellent prop and lock.
I have been playing for seven years in an actual team.
When I come into a tackle it toughens me up which will help me deal with heavier tackles in the future.
I have a strength in forklift driving. You are allowed to get your license at 12 years old.
I'm very accurate at stacking bins on our farm. I know the controls of by heart.
This skill could help me in the future if I want to become a commercial forklift driver.


Wednesday, March 7, 2012


My name is Imogen.

My hobbies are reading,card making,drawing,netball ,touch rugby and tap dance.
I like playing with my puppy Coco.

My goal is to spell better when I'm writing or in a spelling test.

We have been learning about the brain.
Click here for an interesting brain game.

Toku Mahi Nga Jenna

Hi I'm Jenna. I'm 11 years old.

Here's a bit about myself:

I love sports. I do competitive swimming, netball and tap dancing.

My favourite food is Thai. YUM YUM!!!

I have two pet dogs, a cat and a chicken called Ester.

My goal this year is to have a positive attitude towards maths.

My Strengths

One of my my strengths is swimming. It came to be my strength by starting swimming early.When I was four months and then I carried on ever since.  I started at home in our own pool. Then I went to the Aquatic Centre for lessons. There you learnt all the basics, like floating and kicking.

I started with the development squad at the Motueka High School pool.  We would do about twenty five lengths every sesson.  I did two forty five minute sessons every week. I did that for two years.

I then started in competitive squad. It was winter then, so I swam at the Aquatic Centre. I did that early in the morning,  before school.   We swam about 2.5km every session. We swam for an hour and a quarter, twice a week.

Then Summer came. I started my first summer with the competitive squad. I swam four nights a week. For an hour and a half. Swimming about 4km every night.

Now it's almost time to start winter training again.

Swimming is a great strength to have so you can have fun and be safe around water.

We have been learning about the brain.

Click here for an awesome brain game!!!!

Toku Mahi Nga Freeman

Hi my name is Freeman.

I live in Motueka. I have a pet dog and a cat.
My favourite food is PIE!!!
I play rugby and do judo.

My goal for this year is to spell bigger words.

My Strengths

One of my strengths is Science.
How this became to be one of my strengths was when I was young  I liked doing experiments with ice,grass,flowers and dye.   
It can help me now with tests and topic. It can help me to get a good job in the future.

My other strength is rugby. I got this strength from training since I was five.
How it can help me now is to win lots of trophies. 
It can help me when I'm old (32 to 38) for fitness, and I can teach young kids.

My next strength is judo. I got this strength by practicing every week at the dojo.
Judo helps me with my strength for rugby.               
It can help me in the future. If I get attacked on the street I can defend myself.

Another strength is climbing. I like high heights, so the best way to experience high heights is to climb.
It can help me to be able to climb up a climbing wall.
Climbing can help me in the future when I go tramping.

My last strength is maths. I got this strength by learning from myself.
It can help me with tests and telling the time.
In the future it can help me with my budget and when I travel by using a map.

And that's all of my strengths.

We are studying the brain
click HERE to play an awesome game!!!!

Toku Mahi Nga Fynn A

My name is Fynn.
I am 11 and I live in Marahau.

My hobbies are fishing, hunting, climbing, rugby, making huts, running and swimming.
I have a cat called Oskar.
I own my own boat but I cannot take it out by myself.
I live quite close to a pool that I can use whenever I want to.
My favourite food is bacon and egg pie

My strengths are swimming, running, bike riding, making huts and climbing.

These are some of my strengths. [Hut making] I spend half of my time in the bush making bases.

[Running] I do this quite often because I help shift the cows into a different paddock, and the cows run that way and I have to run another way to intersect them.

My strengths will help me in the future because if I want to become a architect. All those years of building huts will have paid off.

And if I want to become a Olympic runner,chasing cows would have build up my muscles for the Olympics.

We are studying the brain.
Click here to see an interesting brain game.

Toku Mahi Nga Fearn

My name is Fearn and I am Year 7. 

The things I like are animals mainly Puppies, Pandas and Guinea pigs. 
I love playing sport. I play Netball and Badminton. 
My favourite food is Ice-cream and Italian food. 
If I could visit any country it would be Italy or Spain. 
I am also learning Spanish. 

This year my goal is to master my multiplication and division facts. 

We are studying the brain click here for an interesting brain game:

Toku Mahi nga Josh

My name is Josh,

My favourite food is cheese and I am turning 12 ( I'm 11).
I have two dogs. I had two birds and a cat.
Ib can speak some french.
Last year I went with my family to Europe.
We went to England, Ireland, Spain, Belgium, Luxembourg and France.

My goal is to stay focused on all my learning.

My strengths

My strengths are building, singing, maths, languages and computers/I.T.  I gained most of my strengths when I was younger.

One of my strengths is building.  I used to help my Dad build things when I was younger and I usually wanted to make things out of wood.This strength can help me in the future with DIY.

When I was four I sang with my brother and I knew all the lyrics to a song. Most singers get alot of money like Michael Jackson who built a theme park and Miley Cyrus who rented out Disney Land so this would be very helpful in the future.

I can speak some French (francais) and can count to eight in Spanish. Last year my mum, my sister and I went to Europe. My mum has been teaching us French but Yasmin always forgets it. This will help me travel and I could be a translator.

When I was six I got my first computer. Computers are very useful and people are using computers instead of books so if I got a job in I.T. then my strength would be very useful.

This is my clock:

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Hi my name is Isabella.

I live in Marahau.   I am 11 years old.   I have a cat called Nina.
My favourite food is berries.
I like to travel to different countries.  
In my spare time I ride a unicycle.
My goal this year is to master my division.


Biking became to be my strength because I go biking with my Dad a lot.
Biking can be usful now and in the future for doing tryathlons and doing mountain biking around New Zealand.
It also can be useful if I need to get somewhere quickly .
I can bike there fast.
I can also use the biking in competitions against my friends .

Climbing became to be my strength because I did climbing lessons with my friend Anne at the Mot Rock.
Climbing can be good for saving people who are in danger. For example on a cliff when I need to climb down to get them.
It could be a good hobby for me or just a little job to teach other people to climb to heights they can not reach to yet.

Speaking another language came to be my strength because I got taught another language by my Mum since I was born.Speaking another language can be very useful for me in the future.
I will be able to help other people speak another  language or if someone needs help translating.
I could be able to do that. I could become a translator.

Being observent became to be my strength because I am a better listener and observer than a speaker.
Being observant is useful because if I see or hear something that is wrong or bad , I could tell the police or if it is not too bad I could tell somebody else.
It could also be good if I get asked questions by the police about what I have seen what has happened or heard what has happened .I could tell them everything.
Being observant could be useful if I want to become a policewoman or detective.

Being creative became to be my strength because we do lots of arts and crafts at home.
I could invent things.I have got very good ideas . 
Being creative is useful for any kind of job.

by Isabella

Monday, March 5, 2012


     Hi I'm Lucy.
I love playing netball.  At lunchtime I like hanging with friends.
I play two instruments the Cornet and the Piano.
My favourite animal is the koala.

My goal this year is to control myself and have patience.

My Strengths

  My friends told me I should play netball because I was so tall. I started playing this sport and found that I was pretty good at it and really enjoyed it. The more I played the better I became.
I also enjoy running and sprints. This keeps me fit and healthy and I feel really proud of myself when I am placed - first second or third.

Singing and dancing

Singing and dancing makes me happy. I am a good singer and dancer because I have rhythm and a unique tone. Dancing makes me feel good about myself and is a great stress reliever.

Cooking and life skills

Cooking is fun and and is so yummy. I love tasting and smelling the dish once it's served. It is a good way to bring our family together and sit around the dinning room table, where we can catch up. This will help me survive when I need to live on my own and bring up a family of my own in the future.

Communicating and speech making

I love to talk to an audience. This gives me a buzz.It is a really good strength to have in the future so I can give presentations and I can take leadership roles when I become employable. I am also a good speller when I need to write a piece of work.  This to will be a useful strength to have.

I have a wide range of strengths that will help me to become an independent and active person. I will use my skills to be happy and live a long and healthy life.

By Lucy R

Toku Mahi Nga Lucy J


I like playing netball and playing with my friends and I like watching gorillas.

My goal for this year is to stay focussed on learning by not getting distracted.

We are studying the Brain

(Click here for an interesting Brain game)

Toku Mahi Nga Amber

My name is Amber :)
I broke my leg at a friend's house, in the summer holidays.

My favourite colours are purple and yellow.
I enjoy watching my favourite programme which is 'H20 Just Add Water'.
I also like reading, writing, playing with my cat and dog and biking.

                                        My Strengths! 

I have a few strengths. Here they are...

My first strength is playing netball.  This came to be my strength when my sister started to play.  I was quite young and I liked helping her practise.  Eventually I was old enough to play.  Today, I still play.  This ( playing netball ) helps me now because I can help the team that I'm playing for to win!  Netball can also help me in the future if I am still playing when I'm an adult.  I love playing netball!!!

My second strength is biking.  I'm no professional, but I absolutely love biking!  Plus, I think I'm pretty good!  Biking became my strength pretty much as soon as I learnt to ride.  At the moment biking helps me a lot.  Walking ( or should I say biking! ) my dog is so much faster with a bike! Biking to school is fun, easy and efficient!  Biking will also help me in the future.  For instance ; if my car breaks down on the way to work, I can always bike!

My next strength is writing. I really love writing! It became one of my strengths when I wrote a twenty-six page story about my sister's birthday.  This was in Room Four. Writing helps me now because I can write good stories for school and at home!  It can help me in the future as I want to be an author.  I also write stories and post them on a writing/reading website.

My fourth strength is reading.  Reading became one of my strengths when I learnt to read, just like biking.  Having reading as a strength helps me now and will do in the future.  It will help me now as I'm able to read signs, worksheets and anything else you can read, clearly.  It also helps me with spelling.  Reading will help me in the future when I'm working because I'm pretty sure that I'll have to read something, whatever job I will be working in.

My fifth and final strength is spelling.  I don't really like spelling, but it's a strength of mine.  It came to be my strength when I got into Room Four. I started writing more and spelling just came along with it. Spelling will help me now as I can write without mistakes.  It'll also help me in the future, as I'll be able to write anything for anyone with no mistakes!

So, that's my strengths done and dusted!

Toku Mahi nga Jessica


My favourite sport is soccer.
I am currently learning Norwegian so when I go visit my uncle I will know what he is saying.
My favourite animals are cats and squirrels.
My best friend is Cheyenne because I've known her since I was two.

 Goal: Build my confidence around the Year Sevens.

My Strengths

The three things that I’m good at are all very different.  None of them are a bit alike.  They are writing, dance and soccer.

I’ll start off with writing.  I’ve always loved writing.  Whether it’s a recount or a children’s novel.I’ve always enjoyed it.   It will definitely be a big help in the future if I want to be an author.

I love music and dance.  I prefer contemporary jazz but all dance is cool.  I’ve been to dance classes for five years so I guess that’s why it’s one of my strengths.  If I choose to be a dance teacher this will help me a LOT.

Now for soccer.  I never liked netball or hockey.  I only had eyes for soccer.  Every Saturday when I went to go watch Jack play I would watch until my eyes hurt.  One day I asked Mum if I could play and she was over the moon. (Not literally.)  My coach put me in defence and when the ball came my way I booted it down the other end of the field.  I stared at my foot, amazed.

They are my three main strengths.  I’ve shared mine, now what are yours? 

We are studying the brain in class.

Click here for a cool brain game -

Monday, February 27, 2012


Hi I'm Fynn R.

I play rugby (tackle & touch) for Riwaka.

My goal for the year is to get quicker at writing.

My Strengths

My strengths are running, a great sense of humour, manners and helpfulness.

I was born with ability to run and a great sense of humour. Dad’s dad had a great sense of humour and ability to run and both my parents were athletic when they were younger.

I have good manners because Mal and Tanya raised me well. I’m helpful because I was born like that, but also because I have been taught that.

I can use these strengths in life. Running will help to keep me fit and healthy. A sense of humour will help me cope with life. Manners and helpfulness will help me to get people to help me reach my goals.

These are my strengths, how I got them, and how I can use them later in life.

We are studying the brain.It is important to look after your brain and you can do that by playing brain games.

Click here to play a really cool brain game.