Friday, May 16, 2014

Our Aboriginal Art

We have been learning about Aboriginal Art.

First we studied about the symbols that Aboriginals use for their art. For example the picture on the right is a symbol, meaning campsite.

Then we designed our drafts for our picture.We also thought of what colour we should use for our background, the out line colour,and dot colour. After that we got triangular and rectangular pieces of plywood. First we sanded our wood,then chose our background colour and started painting.We waited for it to dry and then painted our design on it and waited it to dry again. Then we painted the outline of our picture and painted lots of different coloured dots. At the end they all looked really cool :) (^o^) .

After our paintings were finished we made up legends to go with our paintings.
For a example: How the Turtle got its shell.
Click the link below to see a slideshow of our art!

Aboriginal Art on PhotoPeach

1 comment:

Brian Bailey said...

Excellent slideshow Meike and class. The music is playing ok. Great choice