Monday, April 23, 2012


During our brain topic we created different pieces of art.
We took profile photos of the Room 7 students and glued them on A3 pieces of paper. 
The sensory areas of the brain are smell, hear,see and taste.
We used our sensory images in our brains to help us find pictures from magazines that related to smelling,seeing,hearing and tasting.
We cut the pictures out and then did a collage for a wall display.

Jessica and Lucy J


We started with a photo of ourself and cut just our face out so you could see and use the outside line of our face, which is called a silhouette.  Then we drew our favourite things that we see, smell, hear and taste on a piece of backing card. We added glitter for neurons.
We hung it on our wall for everyone to see.  This is what they look like.

Jessica and Lucy J


Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Toku Mahi Nga Frankie

My Strengths

Note that I have written 1 paragraph per strength.

My first strength is art. I discovered my skill when I was a three years old. I drew countless little square headed men, who all bared a resemblance to count Dracula. This skill will help me in future because I would like to create characters when realising my dream of becoming a video game designer.

Strength mark two is reading. When I was five years old I was terrible at reading, but when my mum home schooled me I slowly became really good. Learning to read was an extremely useful skill at such an early age. I would fly through reading exercises,at quite a fast pace for a five year old.
This skill is so important that there is hardly a point to explain why it will be useful later in life.

My third skill is understanding animals.
I have almost always loved animals .By almost I mean as long as I understood what an animal was.
My first animal encounter was when we lived in England. I used to annoy our pet dog Rosy. Then there was the Jack Russell we had when I was about 7. Then the evil Merlin who ate my entire jumper. After that my current but also best Dog Ever!
This skill will help me when I'm old because I hope to foster abandoned animals.

My fourth skill is story telling.
I found this skill when I was in Room five. We had to draw a card and relate the story.
This skill will also help me when I design video games.

My fifth skill is bike riding.
I learned I could ride a bike well when I was six I freaked out when I was told to try riding with out training wheels to help.But turned out I have great coordination on a bike.
This strength will help me keep active and kill time ,that is when I'm allowed further than my drive way.

By Frankie