Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Toku Mahi Nga Frankie

My Strengths

Note that I have written 1 paragraph per strength.

My first strength is art. I discovered my skill when I was a three years old. I drew countless little square headed men, who all bared a resemblance to count Dracula. This skill will help me in future because I would like to create characters when realising my dream of becoming a video game designer.

Strength mark two is reading. When I was five years old I was terrible at reading, but when my mum home schooled me I slowly became really good. Learning to read was an extremely useful skill at such an early age. I would fly through reading exercises,at quite a fast pace for a five year old.
This skill is so important that there is hardly a point to explain why it will be useful later in life.

My third skill is understanding animals.
I have almost always loved animals .By almost I mean as long as I understood what an animal was.
My first animal encounter was when we lived in England. I used to annoy our pet dog Rosy. Then there was the Jack Russell we had when I was about 7. Then the evil Merlin who ate my entire jumper. After that my current but also best Dog Ever!
This skill will help me when I'm old because I hope to foster abandoned animals.

My fourth skill is story telling.
I found this skill when I was in Room five. We had to draw a card and relate the story.
This skill will also help me when I design video games.

My fifth skill is bike riding.
I learned I could ride a bike well when I was six I freaked out when I was told to try riding with out training wheels to help.But turned out I have great coordination on a bike.
This strength will help me keep active and kill time ,that is when I'm allowed further than my drive way.

By Frankie

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