Thursday, February 28, 2013

Welcome to Room 7

Hi my name is Ella. 
I am 10 years old.   
My hobbies are dancing, horse riding, and other sports. 
My favourite subject at school is art. 
I enjoy art because I like drawing people and animals. 

I would  like to be a vet when I am older. 
I find learning about animals quite fun and knowing about what they like and how they survive in the jungle and nature. 


Room One said...

Hi Ella, it's great to read that you are interested in animals. We really love animals here in room 1, our favourites are chickens, horses, puppies, wetas and butterflies. We were wondering if you could help us with identifying our moth we saw yesterday. If you look on our blog you can see what it looks like. Thanks Ella

Students and Mrs Hall said...

Wow Room 7 what good looking students you have ! We like your smiley faces and enjoy finding out about you. Love from Room 3

Students and Mrs Hall said...

Hi room 7. We do enjoy learning all about you. We think you are great big buddies as well.