Friday, May 16, 2014

Our Aboriginal Art

We have been learning about Aboriginal Art.

First we studied about the symbols that Aboriginals use for their art. For example the picture on the right is a symbol, meaning campsite.

Then we designed our drafts for our picture.We also thought of what colour we should use for our background, the out line colour,and dot colour. After that we got triangular and rectangular pieces of plywood. First we sanded our wood,then chose our background colour and started painting.We waited for it to dry and then painted our design on it and waited it to dry again. Then we painted the outline of our picture and painted lots of different coloured dots. At the end they all looked really cool :) (^o^) .

After our paintings were finished we made up legends to go with our paintings.
For a example: How the Turtle got its shell.
Click the link below to see a slideshow of our art!

Aboriginal Art on PhotoPeach

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

How The Woolu-woolu Village Got More Food by Calver

One day the villages Woolu-woolu and Bongalu went out to hunt but the Bongalu village was really greedy. When the Woolu-woolu hunters came back they saw that the Bongalu people had taken their food. So the Woolu-woolu had a meeting . They had thought of a way to get food for themselves.
When they went hunting again they hid behind sand dunes while the Bongalu tribe hunters were chasing animals. Woolu-woolu's hunters waited for the animals that the Bongalu were chasing to come past so they could jump out and kill them. Then they hid the animals behind the dune and came back to get them when the Bongalu people were sleeping.

       And that's how the Woolu-woolu village got more food. 

How The Gecko Survived by Liam

Once upon a time there was a gecko who had never seen the sun.The gecko didn't even know what the sun was.
One day the ground was getting very hot. A thin trail of hot orange stuff (lava) was coming into his den. The gecko did something very brave, he dug up and up,well he thought he was digging upwards, until he reached the surface. The gecko's den was right next to a volcano that was going to erupt! The gecko began to run to a big blue thing, a lake. When he got there he dug down and down. The volcano erupted but the gecko was safe under ground. That's how the gecko survived the eruption and why geckos don't like the sun. 

How the turtles got their colours by Will and Sam A.K.A Wags and Murray

Part 1
One day two best turtle friends called Murray and Wags had a paint ball war at the paint ball arena. Wags hit Murray in the stomach and then Murray threw a paint grenade at Wags. It went all over him. Then Wags shot Murray all over with a machine gun. But Murray got him back with a bazooka. Wags got Murray right in the face with a Ak-47. Then it was time to go home. They went home on their longboards.

Part 2
After the paintball war they had tea which was a mean feed of shriveled  snake and a stiff sand shark they had found in the middle of the desert.Murray had 20 wicked little worms with a budget drink from the watering hole and wags had a dinner deal of snails + 1.5 litre of water. Then they skateboarded back to the house on their muscle boy skateboards.When they got home they put their shells in the wash and went to bed. When they got up they had breakfast which was plants,snake insides and fried scorpions. After breakfast they got their shells out of the wash but they were badly stained. They tried everything to get it off including Mr muscles Easy Off Bam Active foam but it didn't work.
And that is how the turtles got their colours.

How the Emu Got To The Watering Hole by Keaton

By Keaton

 There was an emu and his friend goat. One day they were playing tag. The emu said, "I'm thirsty." The goat said,  "I'll take you to the nearest watering hole." But it was all dried up. The goat was thirsty too so they travelled all day and night in search of some water. They finally got to the biggest watering hole they had ever seen.They drank and drank and drank.
And that's how the emu got to the watering hole!!!!!!!!!

How the rainbow serpent got it's hiss by Yasmin

One day a long time ago there was a tribe. The tribe was called the magical tribe because it was known for curing illnesses.

That day some of the villagers saw a turtle walking through the village so they stopped and asked for it's name and why it was on it's journey. The turtle said, "I have lost my kids and I am looking for them but I thought I should warn you that the rainbow serpent is coming to attack this village." The villagers ran to their chief to tell him the rainbow serpent was coming.The chief told them to warn the tribe and to get ready for battle.

When the rainbow serpent arrived at the tribe,instead of an easy snatch, he found men with spears and arrows. The men attacked the rainbow serpent and the serpent gave a yelp in pain. One of the man with very good aim threw the spear into the open mouth of the rainbow serpent.The spear got stuck in the throat of the serpent. The serpent slithered away from the tribe.

The spear was forever stuck in the serpent's throat and because of that the rainbow serpent got it's hiss.

The turtle found it's kids in the watering hole near the tribe and they ended up living there. 
The magical tribe lived happily on.

How The Turtle Saved The Kangaroo by Taine

One day a kangaroo called Roo was walking through the river to the watering hole. Some hunters came and started throwing rocks and spears at Roo but a storm creeped up very fast and the river started flowing rapidly so Roo was floating out to sea.When he woke up some hunters were poking him with their spears. A turtle called Turd was swimming past the hunters and the turtle got out of the water and tripped one of the hunters up. One hunter threw a rock at Turd and it rebounded of the Turd's shell. It hit the hunter and Turd bit the rope of Roo. Roo's mum was coming to see what was going on and Turd was gone.And that is how the turtle saved the kangaroo.

How The Turtle Found It's Kids by Poppy

 Once upon a time there was a family of turtles, with a mother called Cookie  and two kids, a girl and a boy. The girl's name was Candy-Floss. She was 7. She had a lovely light pink shell. The boy's name was Marsh- Mallow. He had a nice white shell. He was 5.One morning  they went for a morning swim as  a family. A big storm came when the were  heading home and they got sucked into a current. They got washed up in the desert. The mother was washed up on the east side and the kids on the west  side. The mother searched far and wide but couldn't find her babies. She  bumped into a tribe and they offered her some fish and water. She ate and drank them great-fully. Then she wondered off again to look for her kids.  She saw a snake that looked like a rainbow and it said, "I can see you, you  chubby yummy turtle!" She ran and hid behind cactus and then started run for the village with the snake right on her tail. She got to the tribe just in time and the tribe said they could handle it. They said that they thought they found her kids in their washing river. So she dived in the well  and got to the river. She could hear the tribe dealing with the snake. She told her kids to follow her. She saved the day and they all lived happily ever after.

How The Rainbow Serpent Made A Watering Hole by Ryan

One day the rainbow serpent was really mad because there was no water so he thought if he stomped hard enough he would make a hole and hopefully the rain would fill it up. So he stomped hard and a hole appeared. He went hunting for the night, hoping that it would fill up while he was gone. He came back the next day and it had filled up with water. He drank and drank and more water flowed into the hole. It became his watering hole and a watering hole for all the rainbow serpents to drink from.

How the Rainbow Serpent got it's Hiss by Chanel

One windy,cloudy day the rainbow serpent was going for a slither through a sandhill and into the hot boiling dessert. He started to feel hungry.His last meal was five days ago.He was in luck. Not far away was a tribe of people. So he slithered to the tribe. A mother turtle was walking past looking for her babies when she saw the serpent going for the tribe. She warned the tribe.All the man got ready quickly to fight off the rainbow serpent. One of the man yelled," He's here,he's here!" The well armed men started hitting the serpent with their spears. A man in the tribe had great aim. He hit the rainbow serpent. The spear past his eye and went into his mouth. The spear became his tongue.He hissed and slithered away. The rainbow serpent would never forget that moment when he got his first hiss.

How the turtle got it's shell by Jack

How The Weka Got His Colourful Spots! by Ella

  There once was a weka, a very plain weka. It had no  character and was just brown. The little weka looked at his  friend and asked, "How come you are so colourful and pretty?"    His friend just looked at him,sighed and then flew away  into  the  sunset and didn't return. As he was flying away the little weka stared after him with a sad face.
 All of a sudden beside him was the prettiest  thing he had  ever seen. It was a RAINBOW!!!!!! . The weka was determined to fly to this rainbow and go  through it, hoping to earn his colours. So off he went on his  journey. About ten minutes later he had reached the rainbow.  He flew right through it. Suddenly he had a funny feeling shooting down his back and a tingle went up his spine. He looked down and saw that he was colourful. He was a very happy little weka.  And that's how the weka got his colourful spots.

How Baby Kangaroo Got Lost by Niamh

One hot day Mother Kangaroo went for a drink at one of the three close watering holes. Father Kangaroo was on the lookout so hunters couldn't hurt Baby Kangaroo. Mother Kangaroo had told Baby Kangaroo to stay where he was until she got back. He stayed and waited and waited. Finally he thought, "I'm bored." So he did a bad thing, he set out to find Mother Kangaroo. He hopped until the track split. "Left or right?" he thought. "Left!"
Again he hopped and hopped until he got to the first watering hole. There he met a turtle, a beautiful turtle with the most colourful shell. "Can you help me?" he asked, "I am lost."
"Go to the next watering hole. There my brother will also help guide you to where your mother may be. But I will guide you to him," replied the turtle.
Baby Kangaroo hopped off but the turtle's voice guided him. He hopped and hopped looking at the ground then BUMP! He looked up.
"Mother Kangaroo!" he cried.
"Come on, your father is worried about you, let's go home," she said softly.
So they hopped back home.

How a man's dream came true by Leon



A long time ago, there was a man living in a desert. The man was getting bored and went for a nap. He had a special dream. In this dream he dug a waterhole and met the seven sisters.Then he went for a walk. On the way he climbed over four sand hills. He saw some kangaroo and emu tracks, two rock pools and a river. Then he saw some tracks from other aboriginal people. He followed the track and arrived at a village. He became good friends with them. Then a voice in his head said, "if you want to have this, dream as hard as you can, and then it is there."First he was thinking, "that's impossible!" But then he tried and he dreamed as hard as he could. He also dreamed that there was some tree tucker to have a nap under. When he finished dreaming everything was there.
This guy was very happy.

How The Turtle Solved The Problem And Found Her New Home by Nicole and Hikaru

Part 1
Once upon a time there was a turtle and her seven sisters who had just been born in the nice golden sand.
The seagulls nearby were ready to grab the little turtles. She was fast and got to the water but sadly her seven sisters did not survive. She went into the water and she explored for a while. She climbed out of the water and found some land with a watering hole. Around the watering hole was an emu, a bush turkey and a kangaroo fighting over the water.

Part 2
She ran up to the watering hole and started to break them up but they kept on fighting and fighting. Finally when it was night time, they got really tired so they went back to their home.At midnight they all went towards the watering hole again. They ran to the watering hole as quiet as they could but then they saw each other at the same time so they ran to get there as fast as they could. But the water was gone because the turtle drank it all.

Part 3
The kangaroo, emu and bush turkey decided to not be upset about it. The turtle found her new home in the watering hole with all her friends. The kangaroo, emu and bush turkey decided that every time they were thirsty they would come to the turtle's home to get a drink.

Part 4
At night in the turtle's new home the turtle would look up at the sky and see the seven stars. She called them the seven sisters because she had seven sisters but they all died.

And that's how the turtle solved the problem and found her new home. 


Bad men with spears where chasing bush turkey.The bush turkey ran to the three watering holes trying to hide.The men gave up but then they saw a few kangaroos on a sand hill.The men stalked the kangaroos and speared them. They ate them for dinner and used the kangaroo skins for rugs and bags.Meanwhile seven sisters were gathering water for their families at a nearby river and then they saw a man on the other side of the river. They immediately fell in love.When they got home they all had a fight about who would marry the man. His name was Lester.They decided that the youngest of the seven sisters, Mary, would marry Lester .They lived happily ever after until......the bad men with spears went on another hunting trip. They saw Mary and thought she was beautiful. They decided to kidnap Mary and put her in a kangaroo skin bag. When Lester found out his wife got kidnapped, he got his plasma spear and sliced the men in half. He pushed them off the cliff and yelled out,
"Hasta la vista baby"!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

A Sad Tale by Zoe

Once upon a time there was a little boy who was mean to his tribe. He was lonely because his only friend died in a hunting accident.
One day he went to pick on some boys who we're going on a camp.So he got his sack with his weapons which included his spear and his boomerang. He followed them for an hour or so. They had set up camp and were happy sitting by the fire they had proudly made. When they all went to sleep a pack of hungry dingos could smell the boys and attacked all of the boys in a vicious way. The boy could here the screaming of the boys in pain and he ran away as fast as he could. He managed to hide behind a rock which had a little cave so he had a power nap. Early in the morning he decided that he needed to head for home because he had little food and he would starve if he did not do anything about it. He got his sack and he walked back to the camp site of the boys and he saw about twenty dingos walking around the abandoned camp. He was seen by one dingo and that dingo was watching him the entire time he was there. The boy left crying after seeing the innocent boys had died. He ran and ran and ran until he could not breath. He sat down and fiddled with his spear and his boomerang. He rubbed his thumb over the carvings in the boomerang that his great grand father had carved when the boy was little. Meanwhile the dingo was following the boy. He was behind a bush then he saw the boy and got ready to pounce on him when the boy looked around for the last time and then the dingo killed the boy.
One day ten years later the boys mother was walking outback and found the boomerang. She picked the boomerang up and cried.

How The Catfish Got It's Whiskers by Kieran

One day Mr Catfish  noticed he was growing some whiskers and wished for them to go away. Later that night he left his village and went hunting. He got lots of krill and didn't share. So therefore the wish didn't come true. He shaved and shaved but the whiskers didn't go away. The next morning he went to the ancient rock, a sacred site and he said to himself, " whiskers aren't that bad after all!" He realised that he should have shared his food with others.
And that is how the catfish got it's whiskers.