Wednesday, May 14, 2014

How the rainbow serpent got it's hiss by Yasmin

One day a long time ago there was a tribe. The tribe was called the magical tribe because it was known for curing illnesses.

That day some of the villagers saw a turtle walking through the village so they stopped and asked for it's name and why it was on it's journey. The turtle said, "I have lost my kids and I am looking for them but I thought I should warn you that the rainbow serpent is coming to attack this village." The villagers ran to their chief to tell him the rainbow serpent was coming.The chief told them to warn the tribe and to get ready for battle.

When the rainbow serpent arrived at the tribe,instead of an easy snatch, he found men with spears and arrows. The men attacked the rainbow serpent and the serpent gave a yelp in pain. One of the man with very good aim threw the spear into the open mouth of the rainbow serpent.The spear got stuck in the throat of the serpent. The serpent slithered away from the tribe.

The spear was forever stuck in the serpent's throat and because of that the rainbow serpent got it's hiss.

The turtle found it's kids in the watering hole near the tribe and they ended up living there. 
The magical tribe lived happily on.

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