Friday, December 4, 2009

Massive Riwaka 2009

Riwaka Massive on PhotoPeach

Hello! this is some photos our Massive Performance called National Park Paradise. First we had the trampers doing a dance then it went all dark and the trees came alive and started moving forward. The trampers ran away and the trees started to do a dance to this song. Then the lollipops came on and did a dance ( girls with boys!) They had lollipops in their hands! Then the candy canes came on and did a hip hop dance and it changed into a swing dance and everyone came on to do it with us. We then walked off the stage along with the waka Te Awa tea.

Friday, October 30, 2009


Tylers Talent Quest Dance

This is me on the left then Alana, Melany and India. We got in the finals but at the end I kind of fell over! It was fun though.

Friday, October 23, 2009

More Talent Quest

1 is room 6 girls dancing. 2 and 3 is Gabrielle and 4, 5 and 6 are Jimi and Devon. The talent quest was very successful. The hall was packed.


Some scenes from the talent quest. First is Taine break dancing, Then it's Pearl singing, Then Tori Hula Hooping, Tori again, Emily and Shania dancing and last but not least Poppy singing. The Talent Quest was a great sucess with Mollie coming first, Tori second and Alana third.

Friday, September 18, 2009


Some pandas eating!

Baby panda eating straw.

Why did I pick this topic? Because I think pandas are really cute and I like them.
Bulleted List

What have I learnt?
I have learnt how to put images into a table using the html. I also learnt that pandas eat straw!


This baby chipmunk is cool and it is climbing up a tree =].This baby chipmunk is tiny and really cute, i like what he/she is doing with it's hands.
This baby chipmunk is lying on the ground. It is cute and also newly born because it doesn't have it's eyes open yet.This chipmunk doesn't look to young anymore but is still really cute.
I chose the topic chipmunks because they are cute and they have always been my favourite animal. I learnt how to export images from the internet, put them into iphoto and put them on my table

Friday, August 28, 2009


Hi I'm Gwen. I like singing and dancing and running around aimlessly screaming!
When I'm older I'd like to become an actress or a tv presenter. My favourite band is Paramore and my favourite singer in Taylor Swift and my favorite saying is "Ha Ha stupid like a fox!"

In blogging we have learnt:
1. About the school website.
2.We learnt to get photos from the web into the blog.
3.We learnt to get photos from camera into i-Photo and then exporting them to the desktop.
4. And then we did a diary blog and added our photo.
4th of september:
1. Settings time zone 2. layout about Us
we've also learnt how to make sure how or side bar shows on the blog.
To have two gaps after a full stop.
11th of September 2009:
1. Learnt how to configure labels
2. Learnt how to insert clock.
18th of September 2009:
1.How to copy a Html code.
2. How to edit pictures in i-photo with enhance and crop.

23 October 2009:
I learnt to make a slideshow.

30th October:
I learnt how to upload a video.

4th December 2009
This is my last diary entry for this school year.
For the last Time I have learnt:
How to do slideshows on photo peach and upload them.
I have really really enjoyed blogging and have already used what I have learnt to help me when stuck.


Hi my name is Tyler. I am 12. My favourite animals are dolphins, dogs, koalas, guinea pigs, mice and rabbits. I have a dog and a cat. They are both boys and do not like each other very much. My dog is called Tobi and my cat is called Smooch. Smooch can be evil sometimes...
Now I will tell you about what I have been learning!!!

In blogging we have learnt:
1. About the school website.
2. First posting - getting photos from the web into the blog.
3. To get photos from the camera to iPhoto and export to desktop.
4. Diary blog with our photo.

4th September 2009: Setting timezone, layout, About Us
Learnt: How to make sure our sidebar shows on the blog.
Two gaps after full stop.

11th September 2009: I learnt how to configure labels, and insert clock.

18th September 2009: I learnt how to cut and paste a code and edit pictures

23rd October 2009: I learned how to make a slideshow

30th October 2009: I learnt how to upload a video

4th of December: I learnt how to put my slideshow into my blog.

I think Blogging was quite fun but it sometimes cut into our game time. I learnt a lot of stuff too.



Hi I'm Claudio. I'm 12 years old. I love soccer, basketball, volleyball and touch. I also like lil Wayne.

In blogging we have learnt:
1. about the school wesite.
2. We learnt to get photos from the web into the blog.
3. We learnt to get photos from the camera to iPhoto and then export to desktop and put it in our blog.
4. We did a diary blog with our photo
We have also learnt how to make our sidebar show on the blog and to have two gaps after a full stops
5. settings time zone 2. lay out 3. About Us
6. how to configure labels
7. insert clock
8. edit pictures
9. copy and paste code
10. we made a slideshow and put it on the blog
11. we learnt how to put video clips in the blogger and learnt how to make slideshows.
I found blogging very helpful, cool and it taught me lots about computers but it could have been at a different time because its a tiring time of the week.


Im a cat lover. My name is Kurt. I have 2 cats called key cat and mouse trap.
In blogging we have learned:
1 About the school website.
2 to get photos from website to blog.
3 to get photos from camera to iPhoto then export to desktop.
4 We then did our diary blog, with our photo.
4 Sept Settings, timezone. Layout, About Us, how to make sure our sidebar shows on the blog. Two gaps after a full stop
11 september 2008

I learnt how 2 configure lables./ insert clock
I learnt how 2 cut and paste and edit pix in iphoto
we put in slideshows.
Blogging was kinda fun but it was at the wrong time.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Lil Wayne is my favourite rapper. I like him because he has all the cool clothes and he is just so cool


Russel Brand is one of our generations greatest comedians,he has been in a number of movies such as bedtime story's,St.Trinian's and alot more. He will soon become a household name around the world (or with anyone who has access to movies)!


Cats are cute. this shows how lazy they are. they also love guns.


Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince is the latest movie of the series. Harry Potter is sooo cool and this movie is the best of them all! Even though I haven't seen it....... BUT I WILL!!!!

Friday, July 24, 2009


In blogging I learned:
  1. About the web.
  2. To get photos of a camera to a laptop.
  3. To write a post.
  4. Do a post of interest.
  5. Wrote about our district, school and class on the sidebar and added a clock and a logo.
  6. Make a table.
  7. Customise photos.
  8. About the Html code.
  9. Write a post about what our class has done and how to put in a link to other wensites..
  10. Write an evaluation .
  11. Thanks to Mr Bailey for taking us for blogging.

Alishia's last post

I learned:
1. Looked around the web.
2. To get photos from the camera to the laptop.
3. About me.
4. Post of instres.
5. Side bar about us
8. Tables.
9. Sizing photos

Evalution:I really enjoyed blogging and I would like to make my own.



In blogging I learnt:
1.Treasure hunt where we had to look around the Riwaka blog so we leant how to get round the Riwaka blog faster.
2. Exporting photos. I learnt how to get a photo into the blog through iphoto.
3."About me" I n this post we had to write about ourselves.
4. Insert clock. Here we had to insert a clock from the internet
5. Update I had to put a Java update on the laptop to speed it up.
6. Evaluation
What I have learnt is how to go round the blog and how to insert pictures.

Our teacher for blogging is Mr Bailey and he is very nice.

Friday, July 3, 2009


On the last day of school we had a Mid Winter Lunch.  We had candles and Christmas lights. While we were having our lunch we were watching a Michael Jackson DVD.   After lunch we had an auction.  Kids had brought old toys or things that they do not use.  We used play money to for our auction.

Friday, June 19, 2009


These kittens are so cute in the little gumboot. This cat here is a high flyer.
You can not resest this cute pair of kitten. Which is cuter the cat or the kitten.
I picked this topic because I love cats as they are so cute.
What I've learnt from this topic is how to size pictures and download into a table and use code.


These are happy dolphins dancing in Valencia, Spain in Europe.This is a happy dolphin trapped in ice in Newfoundland.
Lovely dolphins jumping at Dolphin Cove, Jamaica.You can swim with these beautiful dolphins in Puerto Eventuras, Mexico.

I chose dolphins because they are amazing creatures. They are also my favourite animals.

I learned how to download a picture into a table and that there were 20 dolphins that were stuck in ice and had to send out SOS ice breakers to free the wonderful creatures in Newfoundland.


Buddy is running through the grass.Casper is smiling because he is happy.

Fin has just had his nap and is full of energy.Annie is waiting for someone.

1. What I learned from this was that cut is the same as copy.

2. Why I chose this topic is because I love dogs.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Soccer CORY

I like soccer net/because it's 
my fav


Here are some of the trophies that Riwaka school has won.

Rugby post

The rugby post are cool because we can kick the ball over the post. The down side is you normal kick the ball over the fence and into the pool.


Hi my name is Alishia and I am 11 years old.  I have two dogs named Annie and Jasper.  My friends  are Skye, India and Heather.  I love blogging and I would like to make my own  blog.

Friday, May 29, 2009

India's post

My name is India. I am 11 years old. I like horses and puppies and kittens. I love my little nephew Justus. I have a dog called Tyne and 3 fish called Lilly, Fatty and Choco. My friends are Tyler, Alana, Akelia, Nikita, Flora, Mollie, Hannah, Gwen and all the kids in my class. I live in Riwaka.I go to Riwaka School. My teacher's name is Mrs Smits. She is so funny and she comes from Holland. My bro Navah is in Australia and my mum, dad and I go over to Australia to visit him. I love travelling over seas to Australia. I have been over to Australia 4 times and I going twice this year. I've already been. I love Rainbows End, Movie World, Sea World and Dream World. I would go bungy jumping and sky diving. I have been to 3 concerts. ( Lady Gaga and the Pussycat Dolls, Alicia Keys and Jordin Sparks and High School Musicial on ice)

Cory's post

My name is Cory and I'm friendly. I go to Riwaka school where we are practising Winter sports. I have a cat called Zippy and my Bros are Zack and Kurt. We have just done an event called MASSIVE. My teacher is called Ms Smits, from Holland and she is nice.

Julian's post

My name is Julian.  I like rugby, soccer @bmx.   I am 11 years old.   My Bros are Daniel, Aidan,
Sam, Flora, Mollie, Sean @ Bradley.   I have a dog called Ruby.