Monday, February 27, 2012


Hi I'm Fynn R.

I play rugby (tackle & touch) for Riwaka.

My goal for the year is to get quicker at writing.

My Strengths

My strengths are running, a great sense of humour, manners and helpfulness.

I was born with ability to run and a great sense of humour. Dad’s dad had a great sense of humour and ability to run and both my parents were athletic when they were younger.

I have good manners because Mal and Tanya raised me well. I’m helpful because I was born like that, but also because I have been taught that.

I can use these strengths in life. Running will help to keep me fit and healthy. A sense of humour will help me cope with life. Manners and helpfulness will help me to get people to help me reach my goals.

These are my strengths, how I got them, and how I can use them later in life.

We are studying the brain.It is important to look after your brain and you can do that by playing brain games.

Click here to play a really cool brain game.


Hi my name is Megan and some people call me Megs.
I live with my Mum, Dad, older brother, cats and 8 goldfish.
I like biking.
My favourite animals have to be kittens and spider monkeys!

My goal for the year is to listen more carefully.


 My name is Boston.
 I live in Riwaka.
 I am 11 years old.
 I like pie!!!!!!
 My interests are reading books , drawing and most sports.
 My favourite book series is Diary Of A Wimpy Kid.
 My goal is to stay focused on my work and not go into LA LA LAND.


Hello my name is India.

I like to read, play with my friends,swimming,and drawing.but....................
My goal is to ask more questions because it is ok to make mistakes.

My Strengths 

One of my strengths is running.It became one of my strengths because
Whenever I run I get faster a little bit more.
It will help me when I've got to get out of somewhere quick.

My next strength is maths.
This is one of my strengths because I like Maths so I practice in any spare time I have at home.
It will help me when I get a job.

My next strength is soccer.
This is one of my strengths because I did as I was told at soccer on Wednesday and Saturday.
It will help me help my team win the game.

My next strength is swimming.
This is one of my strengths because I try as hard as I can to practice at home and school.
It will help me if I am on a shipwreck.

My next strength is skiing.
This is one of my strengths because I practice all the time when we are at Rainbow ski field.
This will help me when we go skiing with my school.

By India 


Hello my name is Daniel.
My hobbies are swimming, rugby, cricket and playing with friends.
I like going out for motorbike rides with dad.

My goal is to stay focussed in maths and topic.

We have been studying the brain.

Click here to play a cool brain game.


My name is Michael.
I like soccer.

My goal for the year is to find some different ways to multiply and divide numbers.

I would also like to learn to talk more and share my ideas and answers.

Soccer Strengths by Michael

One of my strengths is soccer. Why I chose this is because I like it.  I play it with my brothers and friends.

In soccer my best skills would be passing, tackling and aiming. I play actual soccer games on Saturdays and practice during the week.  I enjoy playing backyard soccer with dad and my brothers.  All of this helps me keep healthy.

In actual games I pass to my own players. I aim and kick to them correctly so it can make it easy for them to get the ball.  I tackle to get the ball onto my side with my players and score a goal.

I have been in a team for a long time and for that time I am best at defence.  Being part of a team that communicates a lot can help you play better and hopefully win any game you play.

My skills go up a level when I communicate with my family and my team that I play in. This should help me in the future with my job when I am talking and listening to other people.

We are studying the brain.
Click here to play an interesting and confusing game.

Toku Mahi Nga Connor

I have a fish. Most importantly my name is Connor.
I play soccer.
My goal is to pay more attention in class.


At first I never even liked to draw but then when I went to school I got into it. I also got inspired by a man who came to school once and he drew a dragon. That's the reason why I love to draw dragons. I can use this strength now for art. I can use this strength in the future if I want to become an animator.


I don't know how I became a kind person. I just don't like it when people are unkind. I can use this strenght now by helping people. I can use this strength in the future if I become a therapist.

Speaking two languages

My mother spoke in German to me when I was a baby. My father spoke in English to me when I was a baby. I can use this strenght by helping people who don't speak English very well but speak German. This strength helps me in jobs.

Ice skating

I started off with inline skating and I was really good at that. Then I went ice skating in Germany. I can use this strength now and in the future to help me keep fit.


My father built me a climbing tree and I always climb on it. Being a good climber helps me to climb into a tree so I can get some time alone. I can use this strength in the future by turning it into a hobby.

By Connor

We are studying the brain.
Click here to see an interesting game.


My name is James.
I am 11 years old.  I like going down the bay to Awaroa .It is awesome!
I like chocolate.
My goal is to listen in class.
I will achieve this by focussing in class and trying hard not to get distracted.

We have been learning about the brain.
HERE is a fun game you can play

Toku Mahi Nga Cheyenne

Hi I am Cheyenne.
I'm a senior student at Riwaka school.    
I learn the piano.                                              
I like sushi.
I do dancing.

My goal is to improve my breathing technique when I am swimming.

                                                            My Strengths

I have quite a few strengths.I'll scour a few out for you.

One of my many favourites is art. I love art because it's fun and It entertains you without staring at a screen.

One other one is maths. When I grow up and get a job I'm going to be architect. So one of the skills of architecture is mathematics. That's going to help a lot!
A helpfull skill is being able to play the piano. It's like a back up plan to me because If I drop out of school {Soooo won't happen.} I could work at a restaurant, playing the piano!

I love my talents. I've got lots more, and I hope I get more in the future.


wanna play a game click here


Hi my name is Kyle.

I play squash, rugby(tackle and touch) and tennis.  I've played in the South Island's juniors age groups in Timaru.  I came 4th in the tournament and 3rd in the South Island.  I've also won 4 gold medals.  I play rugby for Riwaka.

My goal for the year is to get better at spelling long and difficult words.
I am going to achieve this by practicing at school and home.

My strengths

One of my strengths is rugby.
The things I'm good at are tackling, passing and kicking which I like to practice alot.

My next strength is squash. Because I am good at forehand, backhand, serving, crosscourt hitting,
boasts and drop shots.Last I went to the South Island age group tournament in Timaru
and came fourth in the U11. I also was ranked third in the Wellington district.

Maths is another of my strengths. Because I like basic facts, problem solving and make 24.
I'm good at these because I have been doing them a long time.

Recorder is another strength. Because I can read music, I've been doing it ever since Room 4. 
I know a lot of songs of by heart and I love playing it.

Soccer is another one of my strengths. Because I am good at kicking, throwing in, headbutts,
corners, shooting for goals.My best two positions are Striker and Goally.I used to play soccer
in Room 3. I only played one game.  I scored the winning goal.

They are all of my strengths.  


We are studing the the brain for topic.  
Click here for an interesting Illusion and a brain game here


Hi, my name is Charlie, but my friends from swimming call me Chaz  :)
I am ten years old and I live with my Mum, Dad, little sister and pussy cat, Domino.
My interests are dance, netball, swimming and playing with my friends and cousins.
My favourite animal is a monkey!

My goal for this year is to master my instant recall of  times and division.

THIS IS ME!!  :)


One of my strengths is swimming. It came about after I did well in my first interschool swimming sports and I asked to go to swimming club. After that I trained for 45 minutes two nights a week and then had my first competition, Club Champs.

After the competition, the coach, Andy, asked me to join the competitive side of swimming. Then I was training five nights a week for an hour. From then on at competitions I made lots of friends and won ribbons, medals, certificates and 3 trophies.

It can continue to help me in the future to make some more friends, break local records, have discipline, and keep healthy and fit.

One of my other strengths is reading and writing. I really started to like reading and writing as soon as I could do both of them, so basically when I started school.
One of my favourite genres is fantasy, to read and write. I also enjoy autobiographies.

I can use these strengths to help me get a good education because you need a good education to get anywhere in life. They could help me in the future if I wanted to be an author or an editor.



My favourite colours are green and yellow. 
My favourite fruit is fejoas. 
I like fluffy puppies and cuddly kittens.  
I also like writing random stories.  
My hobbies are surfing, soccer, biking, reading and drawing.

 I have four brothers, a rabbit named Pepsi and a cat named Meg.
At school my friends are; Amber, Isabella, India and Jade. 
I like hanging out with them at playtime and lunch. It's fun.

My goal for this year is to speak up more when I am stuck.


My name is Blake.
Some of my hobbies are archery and rugby.
My favourite animals is my dogs Jess and Bosco!
Some of my other hobbies are hunnting and fishing.

My goal is to talk less.

We have been studying the brain.

Click hereto see an awesome game.


Hi my name is Jade.
I live in Riwaka.
My hobbies are cooking,playing touch rugby,reading and drawing.
My favorite books are The Harry Potter series.
I like sharing strange facts.
My goal this year is to try and understand that making mistakes is part of learning.