Monday, March 5, 2012

Toku Mahi Nga Amber

My name is Amber :)
I broke my leg at a friend's house, in the summer holidays.

My favourite colours are purple and yellow.
I enjoy watching my favourite programme which is 'H20 Just Add Water'.
I also like reading, writing, playing with my cat and dog and biking.

                                        My Strengths! 

I have a few strengths. Here they are...

My first strength is playing netball.  This came to be my strength when my sister started to play.  I was quite young and I liked helping her practise.  Eventually I was old enough to play.  Today, I still play.  This ( playing netball ) helps me now because I can help the team that I'm playing for to win!  Netball can also help me in the future if I am still playing when I'm an adult.  I love playing netball!!!

My second strength is biking.  I'm no professional, but I absolutely love biking!  Plus, I think I'm pretty good!  Biking became my strength pretty much as soon as I learnt to ride.  At the moment biking helps me a lot.  Walking ( or should I say biking! ) my dog is so much faster with a bike! Biking to school is fun, easy and efficient!  Biking will also help me in the future.  For instance ; if my car breaks down on the way to work, I can always bike!

My next strength is writing. I really love writing! It became one of my strengths when I wrote a twenty-six page story about my sister's birthday.  This was in Room Four. Writing helps me now because I can write good stories for school and at home!  It can help me in the future as I want to be an author.  I also write stories and post them on a writing/reading website.

My fourth strength is reading.  Reading became one of my strengths when I learnt to read, just like biking.  Having reading as a strength helps me now and will do in the future.  It will help me now as I'm able to read signs, worksheets and anything else you can read, clearly.  It also helps me with spelling.  Reading will help me in the future when I'm working because I'm pretty sure that I'll have to read something, whatever job I will be working in.

My fifth and final strength is spelling.  I don't really like spelling, but it's a strength of mine.  It came to be my strength when I got into Room Four. I started writing more and spelling just came along with it. Spelling will help me now as I can write without mistakes.  It'll also help me in the future, as I'll be able to write anything for anyone with no mistakes!

So, that's my strengths done and dusted!

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